Friday, August 21, 2015

The Sunshine State

We have been vacationing in Florida visiting Juan's family for the last few days. I posted a picture of us at the beach and my phone has been blowing up since asking me where I got my suit! I was going to wait to post this until after we got home but I figured I would set aside some time to write a quick post on the swimsuit.

I am super picky about swimwear. I'm not a fan of wearing the typical beach attire so I always love finding unique swimsuits. I found this cute suit on You can find it on their site for under 15 dollars!! What a steal. I know it can be scary wearing a white suit into the pool but let me tell you I tested it and it passed! Love it!!


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

About Me!

I have written many drafts this week. I think I have finally decided what I want my first blog post to be about. I am warning you now that you might be a little disappointed. I don’t want my first post to be about my stalker or my previous difficult relationship. Don’t worry, the posts about my past experiences will make their debut.

I am a free spirit. I love being outdoors. When I am outside there is something that comes over me, a rejuvenating feeling that makes me feel like life is absolutely perfect. I have been dancing since I was 18 months old and I have a deep connection with the music when I am able to dance. Aside from my first recital, when my nerves got the best of me and I peed on stage. I have played the violin for over 10 years, but it still presents the constant challenge to get better every day.

I also have the best boyfriend! He is so supportive of everything I do. He treats me like a princess. Some of the small things he does for me are: opening the car door, getting in and out of the vehicle or any door for that matter, he buys me anything I want (I try not to abuse this one), makes me dinner, drives me everywhere, and always talks to me. I could go on and on about him, but I don’t want to make you single ladies sick and you married/dating women jealous haha!

The real reason I am starting a blog is because I have wanted to start a fashion blog for so long now. I am always asked where I get my clothes from. I want to have a blog that shows where to get inexpensive clothes so you can look good on a college budget. Recently, I have also been asked how a person can get in the best shape possible. I have a love for fitness and I look forward to sharing fun fitness tips. 

Why the name A Little Bit of Shimmer? I have learned a lot through my hard times. No matter how hard they have gotten, I have always had “a little bit of shimmer” shining down on me to guide me to bigger and better things. I know my story will have an impact on someone, so I am writing for you. I hope it will help others come forward and share their stories. I am anxiously waiting for the best time to share my story, so until then I hope you enjoy getting to know me a little better.